Sazzy Hearing was developed out of a desire to help people with hearing loss, and their families, access information.

As a person with hearing loss, when I got my first hearing aid, I knew nothing. I did not understand about different styles of hearing aids or different technology, their advantages and disadvantages. I simply agreed with what was suggested to me. As an audiologist, I now understand a lot more about hearing aids and am in a position where I can make informed decisions About my hearing health care.

Not everyone has access to consumable information to make informed decisions about their hearing care.

By creating Sazzy Hearing, the aim is to change the playing field for people with hearing loss and their families by providing information that is easy to understand.

Hearing well is essential to maintaining connections to the important people in our lives, and navigating our way through the world. Poor, untreated hearing loss, can result in social isolation, mental health issues, cognitive difficulties, and even increases a person's risk of falls. With such big consequences at stake, people with hearing loss and their families need enough information to make informed decisions.

Watch the videos and if you have a topic you would like to hear more about, feel free to reach out.